
The Illuvian Empire has been at peace for over a thousands years.  Their elite deep space protection force, the Vanguard, have long been a sign of the empire's prosperity and security.  Often alone for their year long deployments to the edge of Illuvian space, the Vanguard pride themselves on unquestioned discipline and the will to stand in the face of insurmountable odds.

While they receive extensive military training, they are not a branch of the military.  The Vanguard are hand picked and operate under the Ashen Council, a group of diplomats, scientists and explorers.  As they are frequently the first to meet new races exploring the galaxy, the council requires that they also have substantial training in negotiation and diplomatic relations.  But a thousand years of peace have caused the Ashen Council to question the need for continuing to maintain a heavily trained elite force.

You are the newest, and likely last, official member of the Vanguard.  Stationed in the Rhao quadrant, you expect to have an uneventful first deployment when you get a distress call from the nearby planet, Candar.  Upon arrival you learn that an unknown disk-like spaceship had traveled around the planet scanning various plants and animals.  It even collected a couple small specimens.  But when a few daring civilians flew near the alien ship to make contact, it opened fire, killing them, and then left.

Before you could even start off after the alien ship, more distress calls came in from neighboring planets with similar scenarios.  These ships were looking more like scouts, collecting data on the planets.  And you knew that can only mean one thing . . .

About The Game:

This is my initial alpha release of a little game that I have been working on as part of my attempt to break into the game development industry.  It is inspired in part by Asteroids and Geometry Wars, but also includes my own spin such as recharging shields and a special ability for the player (Boost). 

There are currently 3 enemies in the game and each is quite different in their actions.  The player's weapon upgrades at certain point levels and currently goes up to power level 3.  As of this release, the challenge stops increasing when the player's score gets around 10,000 points, which you can see when paused.  However, even getting that far is a decent challenge. 

If there is demand, I would definitely like to continue working on this game.  For now, I'm mainly using this as an example of my ability as I apply for jobs.  That being said, if you have any thoughts on the game please let me know.  I'm always looking to get better :).

Thanks and enjoy!

Joe Coleman

Development log

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